Solar Powered Bubble Plane: A green delight in a bubble!

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There is no doubt about the fact that the aviation industry is going green and the future lies in designing stuff that is both sustainable and highly fuel efficient. Not many would automatically think of the gliders when it comes aviation as the big wings almost always steal the show. But just like in the boxing ring, the light weights might really not be the biggest attraction, but they still have a charm to them which is the same with these aerodynamically wonderful gliders.

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The Bubble Plane is a design for an ultra-environmental aircraft which just won the top prize at the prestigious Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award. Roland Cernat, who just graduated from the University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd / Germany, created the airplane with the environment in mind. Once in the air, it can travel entirely fuelessly, much like other ultra-light gliders. It can tuck away its tiny propellers for 100% aerodynamic flight. But when it needs an extra boost, generally for take-off, the glider’s propellers unfurl, driven by a small electric motor that is powered either by an on-board generator or by thin film solar panels on the planes wings and tail.

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The glider looks like a bundle of fun and that too in a fashion that really does not hurt the planet. Even the plastic that the cockpit is made of is unique and largely eco-friendly. It is nice to see such new green models that can take to the air with no fuel or energy consumption come to the forefront. More power to solar power, I guess!


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