Buffalo Wireless keyboard powered by solar energy

buffalo keyboard wQerD 7071

It is a very interesting idea to make computers and its accessories that are powered by the sun as the place I sit at almost gets no sunlight 24/7. So it must really be either something that needs a solar panel extension or otherwise requires you to work in the sun. It is not that I do not love going green, but from the place I come from, sunshine is not always all that lovely and can at times cause serious burns. But this still seems to be a very positive move in regards to utilizing solar power.

A company in Japan named buffalo has brought out the wireless solar powered keyboard and it has done so before many of its competitors could hit the market. That might very well make it a commercial success if nothing else does. I have always loved wireless stuff and this one is no different either. In case the sun is not shining though, it could still run on the batteries. The 2.4GHz wireless device features a small solar panel located above the numerical keyboard block and it is priced at $120.


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