Solar power plants in Nevada to power 900,000 homes

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With massive solar power plants mushrooming up in various corners of the world, it isn’t surprising to see one more such eco-power plant come up just outside Las Vegas. Developed by BrightSource Energy, it is a 1200 MW solar thermal power facility that aims to see daylight by 2012. Consisting of three 400 MW plants near Overton Airport, it also proposes to upgrade the transmission infrastructure needed to bring the power to the grid. Estimated to power 900,000 homes, this kind of facility promises to render freedom from the imprisoning and agonizing dependence on exhausting fuel and its escalating costs.

Furthermore, the plant aims to leave just the faintest of environmental footprints. It will be carbon-free with low water usage and will use one-third to one-quarter the land a wind facility would use.

Via: Treehugger

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