Solar Outdoor Thermometer: Useful and Eco-friendly

solar thermometer

The weather always plays games with us. It’s especially true when the artificially heated/ cooled interiors throw us in some confusion about the actual temperature outside, and most often, we end up going out in the wrong clothes.

Here is a simple but effective solution to this common problem—The Solar Outdoor Thermometer. The thermometer, when placed in the sun outside, gives you an accurate idea of the temperature, in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.

What’s more, this little gadget is surprisingly eco-friendly. It runs entirely on solar energy. The manufacturer has taken into account even the little things that might be of advantage for you. The thermometer has an in-built LED bulb which makes it easy to decipher the reading even in dark. And yes, the light is also fed by the sun!

Source: Domokyo

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