Singapore gets new labeling scheme to help customers buy water-efficient gadgets!

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Through ages, the world is suffering from drought, water crisis, and large scale water contamination. We all know it, but how many of us “consciously” take a step towards saving the planet’s water in our own little ways?

The Singapore Environment and Water Resources Ministry has taken initiatives to make – if not help – people contribute towards saving water. To help and guide consumers identify and choose such environmentally friendly products, Minister Yaacob Ibrahim unveiled a new water-efficiency labeling scheme.

So next time, you are planning to purchase a new washing machine, what you have to do is just look out for a teardrop sticker on it. The machine that will have three ticks on the sticker can help you save more than 60 per cent of water consumption, by just using 45 liters of water for every 5kg load of laundry.

In comparison, most washing machines you use today need 125 liters of water (10 full buckets of water) for washing every 5kg load of laundry!

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