Science City Campus to store and reuse waste summer heat in winters

science city

Eco Factor: Eco-friendly energy concept stores waste heat in ground and reuses for heating in winter.

It gets unbearable to stand the baking heat during the summers. What if there was a way to utilize what we hate the most to make our dwelling cozy during the cold winters. Well, this is exactly what is currently being implemented on the Honggerberg Campus. Under this revolutionary project, heat from buildings on the Science City Campus will be stored in the earth during the summer using 800 ground pipes.

The store heat will refined to be reused to keep the campus building warm in winters. These pipes along with other structural measures will be installed by 2020 and provide energy without carbon emissions. The ground storage probes will operate like a large heat-exchanger and collect all the waste heat. There are plans to install nine water circulating systems, which puts waste heat into ground for storage and pump it again in winters.

Via: Physorg

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