Samsung presents high definition low energy OLED TV at CES 2008

samsung oled tv1

OLED[organic light emitting diode] and quadruple full-HD technologies represent an entirely new paradigm in picture resolution technology. This year Samsung showcased its 31” Active Matrix OLED TV set at CES in Las Vegas.

Electronics manufacturers have already begun exhibiting these next-generation displays at major trade shows, but Samsung has gone a step further at CES 2008. The OLED is being presented as a finished TV product that features an elegant and optimized design with one of the thinnst and largest TV screen. Interestingly, this product offers a brighter, clearer and more vivid picturethan a regular TV and it also consumes lesser power.

OLED pixels genrate lights and don’t ned any backlighting. A statistics shows that electricity needed by a regualr C.R.T. is almost double by that of the LCD TV where as OLED TV saves another 40% than an LCD one while boasting a contrast ratio of 1 million to one, color gamut of 107% and brightness of 550nit.. So This upcoming OLED technology can be utilised for energy conservation too without compromising with the performance or features either. So going with the market trend Samsung has decided to begin commercial production of mid- to large-sized OLED TVs around 2010.

Via: Inhabitat

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