Salvaged old house recreated into an eco-sensitive marvel!

1 PrdiQ 17014
Let me give you a run through of this 103 year old mansion, set on a rock in Narragansett Bay off the coast of Rhode Island. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Well, it is! I am certain, by the end of this read you’ll probably want to live in this bohemian house. Clingstone is a celebration of salvaged materials, hard work and community spirit and the owner and also an architect Henry Wood, truly cherishes every moment he has lived there. The journey from a roofless, windowless, floorless, powerless, waterless house to a fully furnished, polished house was extremely animating for him. In 1905 the total cost of construction was estimated at $36,982.99. In all Clingstone has 10 bedrooms, with breathtaking views and a dining hall with fourteen seats.

In the earlier days, power was generated from portable generators but now thanks to ‘green consciousness’ solar panels are used to heat the water,the wind turbine on the roof generates electricity. Even rainwater is collected, filtered, treated and pumped through the house for cleaning purposes, converting this old regular cottage into a modern eco-sensitive one! Even the sea water filters the waste before releasing it back into the ocean. The homes have composting toilets! Don’t you think that a house that lets you be one with nature, soothes you is truly worth every penny? With this house, you don’t have to worry about privacy, as its perched amidst rocks far away from the noisy over crowded world. The serene picturesque, because of the water, stones, wood delivers a holiday feel when you’re right at home! This house is undoubtedly a truly spectacular archaeological treat.
1 BRgrU 17014
1 MPihm 17014
1 gSuSt 17014
1 rhWVC 17014

Via: Nytimes

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