Safety Distance: Solar powered roadside indicator to avoid tailgating in foggy weather

Safety DistanceNowadays driving safely on roads needs more skill and better judgment than before, especially during terrific weather conditions. In such situations slow driving and driving defensively is highly necessary. But so very often, despite all the warnings, you get to read, hear, or see situations where drivers drives recklessly on a foggy road, convinced that they know what is ahead and end up in multiple car pileups. Driving in the fog is a treacherous challenge as it reduces your capability to perceive the road ahead especially in highways and night situations. To compensate for diminished visual information and deal with the situation more competently and sustainably, a new solar-powered technique has been designed for measuring visibility distances under foggy or nightly weather conditions called safety distance. It warns the cars tailing others about its distance with the cars ahead and alerts them beforehand against any disaster.

Safety Distance

Safety Distance, by Chinese designer Da Wei Xing, is a solar-powered cylindrical road sign that strengthens night-time visibility and guarantees road safety. It can be aligned along the outer edge of the highway. The technique is to perceive fleeting cars via infrared sensors, embedded on it, and trigger off its warning lamp. The warning lamp, which is powered by solar energy, glows red when the distance with the car ahead is very close which is less than 50 meters, yellow signifies that it is close enough about 100 meters, and green suggests safe distance. The lamp glow automatically switches off when there are no cars around. These solar-powered sign posts can help prevent disasters by avoiding tailgating as well as can ensure you are at a safe distance from the car ahead of you by following the signs.

Safety Distance

Via: YankoDesign

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