Nunc Architects create sustainable bicycle parking for Zaandam

Bicycle ParkingBikes are hugely popular in Netherlands, due to congestion caused by the large number of cars. Zaandam is one such prime place where due to paucity of space, people are forced to leave their cars back and ride bicycles. Nunc Architects were well aware of the situation and have hence designed a sustainable parking structure for bicycles in the city of Zaandam. Christened the Fietsenpakhuis, the sustainable structure can accommodate up to 700 bicycles.

The reason behind massive use of bikes go way back to the golden period when industries were developing in the area. Whichever goods were traded in the city of Amsterdam used to come to Zaandam for refinement. Slowly, the area became a huge hub for factories and industries and all kind of people began thronging the place – industrialists, white-collared job seeking people, and everyone else – because of the high number of employment opportunities. Then, with the advent of cars, the place became too congested and slowly people began using bicycles for commuting in this area. Bikes gained popularity and became the main source of transportation.

The beautifully designed stand is also 100% sustainable as it is made up of certified wood and passive solar heating is used in the entire structure and whole area is naturally ventilated to avoid unnecessary use of electric equipment. The facade of the building is made up of glass and is hence transparent. When one enters through the huge double folding gate, one can see both the floors of the stand and can park the bike on the upper floor by taking the gently inclined staircase. The floor at ground level is made up of bricks. A big window is also made on the ground floor wherein the controls of the stand are installed like free entrance and other functions, public toilets, facility for repairing and renting of bikes, etc.

Via: Contemporist

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