Rockers going eco-friendly with their concert tours

gomez members in their tour bus 9

It seems the music world is catching up with the brewing buzzword ‘environment-friendly’! It can well be justified as British band Gomez pulled into Minneapolis town for a gig at the Fine Line Music Cafe on Monday. The band was ‘literally’ riding a biodiesel tour bus!

Adding to the eco-friendly vehicle-tour, the band has added on to their ‘green tour’ with other eco-centric initiatives such as organic-cotton T-shirts and banning on plastics backstage.

Singer-guitarist Ian Ball said,

You’re seeing it more and more… Rock bands across America are driving around lost at 3 a.m. trying to find the nearest (bio-diesel fuel) pump so they can make it to the next gig — and save the planet.

It seems these activities are increasing ‘optimistically’ at rock concerts, as –

At the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, fans turned in plastic cups and bottles at recycling centers to earn tickets for food and drinks!

It was at the Bonnaroo fest in Tennessee, one stage was run entirely by solar power!

Even the Warped Tour – better call it a roaming punk-rockathon — went green this summer. It used low-emission trucks and recycled products.

Pix: Star Tribune

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