Red Cross Radio: Empowered by solar energy, conceals charging qualities

red cross radio solar

It’s good news for all those guys who love to backpack every now and then, prefer a camp on alternate weekends or are simply very excited with the idea of traveling outdoors. The Eton Corp. is all set to introduce the American FR150 Microlink Radio. The specialty of this radio is that it can be charged via a solar cell or a USB Port or with its own hand-crank. Among the other amazing features is a set of seven NOAA All-Hazard Alert, AM/FM and it has cell phone charging capabilities and the weather channels as well. Other than its use as a radio and a charger you can also you use it as a multipurpose LED flashlight. Now that is what is precisely termed as an all-rounder, a real helpful one! You may have the advantage of this handy gadget from February onwards when it hits the market, with a price tag of just $30.

Via: Alternative Consumer

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