Recycling Revamped- with style, substance & splendor!


When I first looked at it I thought “ah! Surely Bond…James Bond has hit the conservation town”. Don’t buy my story? Well, you could say that the “Queen” needed a very special chair that would be made out of recycled plastic bottles & plastic waste. The Queen determined that this task is of paramount importance for world environment & assigned it to none other than our beloved “007”. He went on to design this awesomely stylish chair which has several gadgets in it like a flying chopper & an emergency cruise missile.

Ok, fine, it’s not a Bond gadget & it has no in-built chopper or missiles. But you got to agree that the chair looks damn cool. There is absolutely no other way of putting it. I saw it & I was floored. It’s called the “Porous Chair” & I do admit I would have liked it to be more subtle in color, like say dark grey or black or stylish metal white (okay, I’m loosing the female readers here I suppose, with the dull color choice). You know give it the more “Matrix” kind of futuristic look.

But I’m not complaining; this works for me too.

But the more essential fact to focus here is that the chair is made out of recycled plastic bottle & other old plastic stuff. This beauty has been created with what we brand as “trash”. The process utilizes a technology of Computer Numeric Control (CNC) & the molten plastic is cast into moulds. The moulds can be created at the discretion of the manufacturer. The chair is incredibly durable & also flexible to a large degree. You can interface various gadgets with it & can personalize it to suit your comfort. The process of production is both economically & ecologically sound. The chair has won acclaim for its exquisite look & its great manufacturing technique.

I think this is one product that’s worth the hype. Preaching ecological consciousness & environmental awareness can be a very difficult thing & van get mundane. With the “generation-y” wanting to be so hip & cool, I feel this is a perfect way to reach out. If they don’t listen to what you say, say it the way they want to hear it. This chair does exactly that. It mixes conservation with fashion making the environmentalists look cool (for once). I’m all for such a wonderful blends except that I still want to see the chair in metallic black & Pierce Brosnan doing the add for it. In case he is not available I am!! (just letting the world know).



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