Is you fabric…fabricated?

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Ever felt a shiver down your spine on that cold winter morning? Just at that moment, we wish we never got out of the warmth of our blanket wrapped around us lying on our cozy bed. Sure, few of the luckier ones have more than blankets to wrap around themselves. But for us vast majority, that woolen sweater (or a shawl for the more theatrically inclined) is all we have. Ever wondered where you got it from & if it’s truly a gift of nature?

Man has found an uncanny way of meddling with almost everything & anything nature has to offer. It seems his diabolical mind is always busy conceiving thoughts on how to alter & control the natural. The situation is no different with the fabric that we use today. Most of the material we use in our clothing is either completely synthetic or has had certain elements artificially added to it. At the very beginning lets understand that for everyone who wants to make a better tomorrow & wishes to lend a helping hand in the well being of ecology, Fur or animal skin is an absolute no-no. Let it be understood that animal skin is best suited on animals itself & we need not put them on parade like animals.

A product like wool, which is most widely believed to be completely natural, is also most often tampered using synthetic dyes. Always try & but your wool from your local farm as it not only saves plenty of fuel required in all the bulk transportation but also helps your local economy to flourish. Also make sure you buy it from an individual who neither uses chemicals in the feed for sheep nor treats their fur with chemicals to make it more marketable. Both O-Wool & Thirteen Mile Lamb & Wool are considered eco-friendly. A product treated with chemicals would eventually only harm your skin.

So next time you shop, instead of being worried about brand names & discounts, maybe you could think about where your final product actually originated from. The world has been seeing a great effort to conserve natural resources. I still remember the character of ‘Phoebe’ in the famous sitcom ‘FRIENDS’ make a huge deal about not wearing fur or any other artificial clothing. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I guess the world needs more Phoebes!!



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