Recycling is riddled with myths and paradoxes

recycling is riddled with myths and paradoxesThe world of recycling is fraught with myths and paradoxes.

Myth number one is that household recycling is essential to prevent resource depletion. In fact, of the materials we recycle – steel, aluminum, paper, glass and plastic – the majority of them are in no danger of running out in the near future.

Do you know why people recycle old newspaper? You may think to save precious trees. However, in actual the trees are a renewable resource, if they are replanted as quickly as they are chopped off and grown up in managed forests. On the other hand, carrying old newspapers to recycling plants makes use of non-renewable fossil fuel. So is it likely that recycling newspapers does harms more than good?

Paper is obtained from a renewable resource and glass is got from one of the most abundant materials on earth, sand.

Whereas Iron and Aluminum are considered the world’s two most abundant metals, simultaneously making up fourteen percent of the earth’s crust.


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