Recycling enthusiast builds massive house with 6 million beer bottles

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Eco Factor: House made from recycled materials.

We have previously seen Buddhist monks build an entire temple using a million trashed beer bottles and here we have something similar, but on a much larger scale, six times larger that size to be precise. Tito Ingenieri, a recycling enthusiast from a city called Quilmes, has spent the last 19 years in building a house from over 6 million beer bottles.

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Quite obviously, the home doesn’t look sleek or chic but considering that the guy has spent close to two decades on the same, we have to give him some credit for recycling. The designer collected non-returnable bottles from the streets and had his neighbors saving bottles for him too.

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Ingenieri also says that the house is also an alarm to know when the river is rising, as the southern winds make the bottles’ necks whistle. The designer is also open to anybody who wants to learn some basic building techniques as well.

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Via: Treehugger/ImpactLab

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