Recycled Sculpture Show 2008 at London stirs your green senses

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Learning to make the ‘best out of waste’ since kindergarten days, its enlightening to know that some grown ups still do it for a more constructive and substantial reason. Like the twenty talented sculptors at Love London Recycled Sculpture Show who aim to connect with people of all ages through the innovative and artistic transformation of waste. Utilizing everyday waste materials to interpret issues of species conservation and protection of natural habitats, they intend to inspire us to think again about our own individual impacts on the Earth.

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And its done with utmost aesthetic touch. The Recycled Sculpture Show 2008 exhibition was launched simultaneously with Love London at ZSL London Zoo on May 29th. With artist from all over the world working out their best green creative skills, it’s a must-see for ever eco-conscious individual.

The ‘Atlantis’ by Heather Jansch is a stunningly realistic horse made from locally gathered driftwood while Ptolemy’s menacing 8 feet Great White shark is made from made from hub caps. The iconic Penguin Pool by Lubetkin currently has no real penguins, infiltrated instead by Lawrie Simonson’s swarm of bugs fashioned from skip finds and breaker’s bits.

Recycled glass penguins created by the Show’s curator Anthony Wilson wander tropical landscapes and polar bears by Tone Holmen highlights impacts of global warming and the menace of waste plastic bags.

Whilst the threatening TYRErannosaurus looms, made by Chris Pilmore, the show is does manage to provoke debate about human waste and its effect on the natural world.

Via: Recycled Sculpture Show

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