Recycled satellite dish to make a green garden!

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Recycling well and truly rocks and it rocks all the more when it not only makes sure that you do not fill up the landfills, but you also make the new purpose of a recycled object al the more clean and green. That is exactly what this recycled satellite dish tells us right now. It has been used to make a garden and it actually looks as good as any that you will come across. The recycled satellite dish allows people to make sure that they do not rash the bins further with this huge piece of junk.

So I do agree that one is not going to find this just around every corner, but the point of reusing a satellite dish is a lot bigger than just that. It tells us everything small or big, can be recycled and reused. It is like using some of that trash for cold metal recycled art or designing that cool furniture. Recycling is the in thing in today’s world, and it is no longer just good on the planet, but it is also great for the look that it provides and the moral high ground that it gives you.

This satellite dish houses a beautiful garden and a well grown Jasmine inside it. It looks really cool and it makes for wonderful viewing. Of course, you could find your own use for the giant dish like a huge pool or maybe even one for this summer in which your very tiny tots can have loads of fun. That would be really cool!


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