DIY – A Mini Windmill for your backyard

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What I know about wind power systems would fit in a thimble, but Jim Duda can be of a great help if you are interested in a DIY windmill for your home. He has penned down a step-by-step details with fitting images for your assistance. Ideal to transform the energy of wind, a windmill uses rotating blades to so the same. Since many of us are on a look out for alternative energy generation for our dens (the bills are drilling holes in our pockets), I think the homemade Aermotor Replica windmill by Jim Duda is just what we require. Jim says that many of us would like to put one in our yards for just as many reasons, but many of our yards are just too small for a “real” one. So this miniature one is the best solution! So friends, build your own wind generator for a fraction of the cost of a similar power sized solar array or commercial wind generator.

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However Jim warns, “Finally, remember this DOES NOT PUMP WATER…I’m hoping someone with the machining skills and equipment will take it to that level.”

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