Rain-shut off sensors to ensure you don’t water your garden when it’s raining

sprinkler systems

Automatic sprinkler Systems do what they are supposed to do – They just turn on the sprinkler at a scheduled time. What if it’s already raining and you’ve left for office leaving your sprinkler on?

This is something we see quite often – sprinkler systems continuing their operation when we all know there is no need for it to work. The solution is an attachment known as the Rain-shut off sensors that can be integrated to your automatic sprinkler system. The device shuts off the sprinkler when it’s raining.

The system not only saves water but also saves valuable money that would have gone in electricity and water bills. Sprinklers consist of moving parts so the lesser the system is used the more it lasts, that means such sensors can also increase the lifespan of your sprinkler system.

There are a couple of alternatives that you can go for, Hunter Industries Incorporated is offering a system named Mini-Clik Rain Sensor that is priced at $25 and Rain Bird Corporation is also offering a similar system named the RSD Series Rain Sensor that is priced at $27.

Via: Get With Green

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