Rain Chain: Harvesting water from the skies with style and splendor!

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The Japanese have a beautiful and wonderful way of doing things. Rain water harvesting is something that allows us to capture the water from the roofs of buildings and divert that water to ground water source. This helps not only the person who takes this up, but it also helps everyone who uses from the water from the same water table. Rain water harvesting is a nice and simple way that allows us to make sure that we give back to the ground water table what we take from it. With modern cities being laid with tarmac, I suppose percolation pits are pretty necessary too.

The rain chain is not eco-friendly in its construction, but I suppose a creative mind can do that too. This ancient Japanese links uses rain chains in lieu of traditional down spouts and have them divert rainwater into your rain barrel, or underground water tank. The rain chain allows you to give back to nature what you took from it. It is not just an individual project, but a collective effort that could save the community from the next water drought.


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