Producing ethanol with corn milling mold!

corn mill

Corn fiber, which is generally used for animal feed can be converted into ethanol, and the scientists of the Iowa State University have used mold to do this job. They further suggested that the byproducts left after the milling of corn might become another source of fuel! That sounds productive, as energy generation by this process can be reached nearly 100%.

This successful conversion of corn fiber with the help of mold can increase the production of ethanol by about 4 percent, which is 160 million gallons a year, according to Hans van Leeuwen, an Iowa State professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering.

Though the finding is a breakthrough, the scientists need to go through a lot more of research to successfully implement it. The scientists will try this experiment on distillers’ dried grains. It is a byproduct of the dry milling process, which is typically used to extract ethanol from corn kernels.

Via: Political Gateway

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