Priti: The Only Organic Spa in New York City

priti organic spa

Right at this hour when the entire world is going on an organic extravaganza to save the human race from a slow but steady obliteration, I have traced out another novel innovation on the part of a single individual trying to make a difference with her little but concrete contribution. Hence I take all the pleasure to talk to you about Kim D’Amato, who runs the only all-organic spa in the New York City, namely, Priti.

Kim, an original native of Australia, has literally brought about a natural beauty revolution. This perfectly novel idea occurred to her when she was pregnant with her daughter. As she switched on to an organic diet she also thought of tracing a way to do beauty routines in the same way. Hence, after a research for 250 hours and a boost from the reading of Richard Branson’s biography, she left her previous job and started Priti with a license as a nail tech.

Since then Priti has been delivering the revolutionary treatment of exclusively luxurious manicures and pedicures to the opting customers. This unique salon has taken serious focus at the ingredients contained in the average bottle of nail polish. On their part they have decided to take a dissimilar approach. All of the polishes and polish removers used at Priti are liberated from common ingredients like dibutyl phthalate (or DBP), toluene and formaldehyde. You will be shocked to know that the Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetic Database considers all of these three ingredients exceedingly toxic with potential associations with cancer.

Priti have simply set a milestone. They have trailed a path quite different from numerous other salons and spas in NYC. They have taken the challenge and have replaced the conventional cosmetic ranges with substances that are natural, organic, eco-friendly and equally sustaining. The spa is capable enough to cater to the consumers the satisfying experience of an archetypal manicure and pedicure. Among the ingredients that Priti uses are fresh organic rosemary oil, fresh mint leaves, etc and the effect that comes out of every treatment is as long lasting as a traditional manicure only minus the toxicity.

Now that’s called a revolution, a true one that is potential enough to set a new trend that can help us be a little more ecofriendly and live a life a little more healthy and a bit less polluted.


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