If you want to do your part to protect the environment, then follow our tips for sustainable driving. At the height of summer, the roads become busier and busier. During the summer and the holiday season, our highways will be filled to overflowing with road users in various vehicles. Unfortunately, all this entails an increase in noise, congestion, and pollution, which is bad for our long-suffering environment. So, what can we do to reduce our environmental footprint – beyond taking public transit or using an electric car?
You can rent electric cars and more environmentally friendly cars. Renting a car is much easier than it seems because there are special rental services, such as monthly car rental sharjah. By renting a car, you will save a lot of time, as well as electric cars do not emit harmful gases, and by renting a large car, you can travel with a large company in one car.
1. Carpooling for a trip
Use all the free passenger seats in your car by combining car enthusiasts-fellow travelers in one car. This will not only reduce the number of cars moving in one direction and help relieve traffic during rush hour but also reduce the environmental impact of exhaust fumes. Such sharing reduces the overall fuel consumption of the world as a whole and reduces the transport costs of the participants in the trip, including you.
Passengers will avoid the stress and burden of driving. Alternating by day, carpooling participants can take turns taking on the role of a driver. Joint trips help to make new acquaintances. In a modern society focused on individualism and independence of each, such an opportunity can be very valuable.
2. Check your tire pressure
If they’re under-inflated, your car’s engine will work extra load to get them spinning – and that means you’ll use more fuel. Optimum pressure will vary, but the recommended values – for different numbers of passengers – are usually printed on the B-pillar on the driver’s side.
3. Reduce the weight of the car
Obviously, you will need a tent and a pair of boots (mud boots), if you are going to a music festival, for example, try to keep everything to a minimum for this event. For what? Well, a heavier car burns more fuel. It may seem strange to think that an extra suitcase would have any negative effect, but every little thing counts.
4. Check the car in a car service
If you have a long way to go, you will have to pass an inspection first and make sure everything works as it should. It’s worth checking the exhaust emissions. If there is a problem with any part of the exhaust system, you can harm the environment along the way.
5. Plan your car trip
Instead of being on the road during rush hours – and sitting in traffic for hours with your engine idling — consider driving while others are still in bed. Similarly, check if there is an alternative route that is faster – even if it is actually longer in terms of distance and mileage. If this route is less popular for everyone, then there is a chance that actually taking it will take less time. It is estimated that at idle the car produces up to 150 liters per minute of exhaust gases containing harmful chemicals.
6. Make your car more aerodynamic
No, we don’t mean adding a spoiler – just avoid piling on roof racks and sundry boxes as this will increase air resistance and increase fuel consumption. The same can be said if you have a tendency to tie your mountain bikes to the top or back of your car.
7. Sustainable driving
Maintaining a constant speed will help minimize the amount of fuel you burn on the road. If you have a heavy leg, you will end up visiting more gas stations. Focus on smooth acceleration and keep an eye on what’s happening on the road ahead so you can anticipate the need to slow down and stop your car gradually, not abruptly.
8. Stick to the speed limit
Of course, you will still overclock. But there is an additional incentive. Drive at a speed of 110 km. per hour, you will use 9% more fuel than at a speed of 90 km. per hour, and 15% more than at a speed of 80 km. Acceleration up to 130 km. per hour can consume 25% more fuel than at 110 km. at one o’clock.
There are also many other ways to make your car more environmentally friendly. Get acquainted with them and use them, because this is how we can save our nature and make the air cleaner.
Article Submitted By Community Writer