Presenting the Jaguar C-X75 – A $1.1 million hybrid super car that combines ‘greenness’ with indulgence

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No rulebook for sustainability says that when going ‘green’, you can’t flaunt it. And once you possess the stylishly sublime yet blissfully breathtaking Jaguar C-X75, believe me you will do more than just flaunt it. Unveiled as a ‘mere’ hybrid concept car at last year’s Paris Motor Show, the venerable British car maker announced on 6th May that they would proceed with this conception right into the commercial scheme of things. Now the announcement shouldn’t just come as a great news for only Jaguar enthusiasts, but for all of those who want to burn the rubber with a opulently ‘green’ demeanor.

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By the looks of it, the wondrous conception ingeniously incorporates the snazzy bearing of the Jaguar XJ220 mid-engined supercar fused with the gratifying volumes of the Jaguar XJ13 prototype. And already touted to be Jaguar’s most advanced model to date this car, the ‘green’ beast can bolt to a top speed of over 200 mph, while the amazing acceleration can fling the car from 0-60 in just 3 secs.

Coming to the engine features, the 780 hp vehicle will utilize a small-capacity, highly-boosted internal combustion engine with a sturdy electric motor at each axle. Unfortunately no information has been divulged about the other specs, but surely any auto enthusiast can conscientiously bet on the car’s propitious destiny to be inducted into the very pantheon of hybrid vehicles. The company has already confirmed that only 250 units will be built (each ‘only’ costing between $1.1 and $1.4 million), and if you ‘by chance’ miss your one, there is always the gallery to gleefully gawk at.

Graphic Courtesy: Dailymail

Source: Jalopnik

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