Pre-historic Plant That Never Dies!

amazing dinosaur plant

Scientists till now have discovered various prehistoric life fossils. But, something that’s still living! No it’s not a living fossil, but its living and it will never die. It’s no fairytale finding. It’s the ‘Amazing Dinosaur Plant’– really amazing. Isn’t it? Not only that, it pre-dates the dinosaurs too. Thus, it survived through their destruction, made it through the ice age and continues to thrive to this day in the 21st century. It’s native to Mexico and Texas in desert and semi-desert regions.

This plant can dry up and hibernate for as long as 50 years at a time! Here lie the true amazing elements. During this time it will curl up and travel around with the wind like tumbleweed in search of water. And once it finds moisture, it can fully rejuvenate in one day. This death and resurrection process is then repeated for hundreds of years. And it is finally a plant that you can forget to water, watch it die, and not care at all! The perfect house plant if you call it so.

Via: The Green Head

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