Ponto: Hybrid watercraft concept for eco-tours around national parks

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Green technologies are seriously making their inroads into the oft ignored sector of water transportation. And in the backdrop of that progression, designer Yulya Besplemennova has conceptualized the hybrid electric diesel powered Ponto. In clear allusion (regarding the name) and inspiration, this water craft is based on the form and mechanism of a pontoon boat.

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Exhibiting a rather curvaceous demeanor coalescing with those futuristic lines and conspicuous glass facades, this conception will be designed for an exclusive hybrid engine that can power up the craft to a top speed of 25-30 kmph, albeit at a pretty low emission mode. Clearly catering to the still relatively undiscovered field of eco water tourism (especially around national parks), the accommodation arrangements in the boat may provide up to 10-15 seats in the case of short trips or excursions and 4-5 beds for longer tours (5-7 days).

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Moreover, the designer has also envisaged a collective system of sustenance, in which the effects of the hybrid engine and paddle-wheel mechanism of the pontoon based craft, will not prove to be harmful to the marine ecology. And, when on a voyage around the national parks, certain electrical recharging stations will be located at strategic points for the boat to be charged. So the optimum level of energy efficiency can be maintained while still being in the middle of the ‘green’ cruise.

Source: Behance

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