Peugeot ONE: Integrating ‘one’ with the planet!

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It has always been understood that the true concept of being eco-friendly is to actually feel that you are a part of the planet and to feel that every movement that you make alters the course of the planet. True eco-consciousness is about integrating yourself with the ecosystem around you and acting as if you were ‘One’. It is when you identify yourself as a part of the whole process and not as individual components that you actually start understanding the nature of our surroundings and what is in best interest of all concerned.

Peugeot ONE takes automobile technology to a whole new level with a concept design that allows the car to make its own energy from the sun! That is right, much like plants making energy from the process of Photosynthesis; Peugeot uses the Solar Energy that is accumulated by its windshield to power itself. Designed by Omar Ivan Huerta Cardoso, this amazingly innovative concept makes for a green automobile revolution if it actually materializes in to the production stage.

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One is designed to be single-seater that is ideal for city commuting. This car was designed with technological advances that now exist and a little more. By suing a Gyroscope system the car has plenty of stability and its unique suspension system makes it take a path that others might not really take. One is about taking automobile technology to a whole new level. Omar Ivan Huerta Cardoso has produced innovative car design that will hopefully usher automobile in a whole new green direction!

[Thanks: Omar Ivan Huerta Cardoso]

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