Panasonic recycles home appliances at Eco Technology Center

The amount of hazardous waste electronic goods generate is mind-boggling. The discarded computers, TV, monitors, refrigerators, washing machines etc can be detrimental to the environment but can however be recycled and used to produce new products. Panasonic encouraged by the Japanese Home Appliance Recycling Law has set up a lab called the ‘Eco Technology Center’ to recycle these products with the cooperation of consumers, retailers and of course manufacturers. Panasonic’s lab not only has an on-site research and development lab but also allows public tours for educational purposes. The companies however can’t recycle materials such as insulation resin foam and some spongy material which have to be burnt and are taken back to the plant. This might be looked upon as an example and help reduce ecological damage caused by hazardous material inside electronic and consumer goods. Such a law must be passed in other countries as well.

Via: CrunchGear

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