Eco friendly, affordable and cozy accommodation by Tangerine Fields

graphic2 DFSqD 17014 Personally I very impressed at the rate at which we all are becoming environmentally sensitive and buying such products. However this time the newest edition to that list is a eco-friendly accommodation by a UK brand called Tangerine Fields. The idea is to reduce the wastage of tents and sleeping bags dumped after festivals, and with the number of gigs increasing the need to do so is more important than ever. graphic1 CpSIr 17014 The company minimizes the wastage of tents by recycling tent equipment, which can then be used year after year by festival goers. All equipments are kept in good condition allowing festivals to stay true to their green culture. Most prominent festivals in UK use the services of Tangerine Fields. Tangerine Fields prices start from £27.50 per person for a weekend. Via: Keetsa

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