Off-shore vertical farm concept is optimized to generate renewable energy

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Eco Factor: Sustainable vertical farm harvests natural resources for energy.

Australian architect Ruwan Fernando has come up with a food-producing vertical farm that is being proposed to be built on an offshore location. The skyscraper has a number of direct advantages over a land-based farm since it has much better access to water, minerals, sunlight, wind and waves, which can be harnessed to generate renewable energy.

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The design features five levels that are to be built on a platform in the middle of open water. Each of the levels is specialized for different purposes like food generation, factories or residential space. The façade incorporates photovoltaic cells and tidal power systems that convert energy from waves into usable electricity. Moreover, a set of vertical axis wind turbines has also been included.

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The sections are placed in a way to maximize natural light that boosts food production. Fresh water is also produced by desalinating seawater from the surrounding ocean, and minerals are filtered to aid food production.

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Via: Inhabitat

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