MOMO: A beautiful green home

momo home basic

Nowadays, whenever I hear the word “Green & House” together then my mind seems to go straight into the whole “greenhouse gases-global warming” stuff. But to my pleasant surprise, here is one instant where I can use the two words separately & what difference does one little space in between make indeed! This is the concept of living close to the nature, still not letting go of any style & interior splendor that comes with any other house that you might come across.

A view from the outside:

momo house outview

This lovely home is called MOMO. Yes, MOMO meaning…err….wait, ok, my Swedish knowledge tells me that the word MOMO comes from the truncation of Modernistiskt Modulhuskoncept, which is Swedish for modern modular house concept. (Yes, I referred it up, I cheated, now don’t complain, move on). The MOMO houses are awesomely eco-friendly & sure as hell pleasing on the eye. They are designed by Thomas Lind.

A look at the interior:

momo interior

They are made out of nearly 107 different components. These components are not necessarily made out of organic stuff (like the Bio-Degradable cutlery I talked about earlier, which lets say received some “critical acclaim” from some very kind English folk). But they are made out of stuff that would not harm the environment. So, all seems good with this beauty.

Now we enter the living room:

momo livingroom

Now each of this MOMO costs around $25,000 & they will be on their way in Sweden by early 2008. So what about the rest of the world, u ask? Well, for now let’s say, your guess is as good as mine (or even better considering that I’m pathetic at guessing games).

In the last two days we have got you couple of most fantastic eco-friendly homes available on the face of the planet. All that, courtesy of yours truly indeed (Now, now kids, you need not thank me for this by sending in all those lovely comments. What? You really stopped sending? That was the part where I would act modest & you had to plead me)

Anyway, I believe that a picture speaks a thousand words. So I’ll leave you with those pictures doing the talking for me.


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