Green your showerheads with Bricor

bricor lowflow showerheads

Is low water pressure bothering you? Well, you can say goodbye to all your problems with the power boosting effect of Bricor’s patented Vacuum Flow Technology.

This Vacuum Flow technology from Bricor is a great way to achieve ‘Low Flow’ delivery in a showerhead, without sacrificing the quality of the flow stream.

How does it work? Well, water enters the vacuum flow “booster” valve where it is aerated and compacted under pressure. Due to the intense force of the vacuum chamber, the aerated water “explodes” as it exits the shower head, creating a powerful shower stream at a very low flow rate (1.25 gallons per minute or less).

Bricor claims that the force of the vacuum booster valve increases the shower stream flow impact intensity by an amazing 1.75x over other conventional low-flow shower streams. Taking baths will be a pleasure now!

Though, the price of about $60-$80 for each showerhead may seem steep to you, remember in the long run not only you’ll be saving water and but saving on your heating costs too. So not only do you end up getting a great bath with the Bricor showerhead, you also save water, energy and money!


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