Michigan Tech students create air-powered moped

air powered moped

Eco Factor: Hybrid moped powered by compressed air.

Seniors at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Michigan Technological University have developed a hybrid moped that is powered by compressed air and human energy. The moped was exhibited at Tech’s Undergraduate Expo.

The vehicle is a hybrid between a moped and a bicycle and features two standard scuba tanks containing 3,000 psi of air, which are mounted on either side of the rear wheel. The driver can pedal around using the moped’s bicycle gears or engage the pressurized air to reach a top speed of about 12 mph on the flat.

The team wanted to build a moped that never needed to stop at a gas station and could be powered by a renewable energy source. However, they noted, just being air-powered doesn’t necessarily make it environment-friendly. Powering an air compressor to fill the tanks takes energy, so the moped is only as green as the compressor’s power source.

While the team members are pleased with their handiwork, they didn’t get to build the moped of their dreams. It can only travel about a mile and a half on air power alone, much less than they had hoped. The shortfall is due in part to “overly optimistic estimates of torque requirements” and funding constraints. A little research revealed that using super-light carbon fiber air tanks and the ideal air motor would push their budget well over the limit.

Via: MTU [Press Release]

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