Mercedes-Benz designs greener hybrid Popemobile for ‘Green Pope’

PopemobilePope Benedict XVI, also known as the ‘Green Pope’, will be seen riding his new ‘green’, zero emissions Popemobile! Mercedes-Benz has designed and made this hybrid electric-petrol motor Popemobile that is modeled on the M Class Mercedes (4-wheel drive). The vehicle will have a lithium-ion battery that can be recharged and will have the capacity to drive for 16 miles or 30 kilometers without any emissions. However, the Popemobile will not be purely electric-driven for safety considerations in times of emergency and, hence, will rely on the hybrid petrol motor. Mercedes-Benz is not divulging its clientele details for confidential reasons but it is suggested that the new green Popemobile should be ready by the time the Pope visits his native country, Germany, in September this year.

Mercedes has been manufacturing these special vehicles for the popes since the 80s with special features like the high-rise reinforced glass that allows full view of the pope under high security. There had been talks going on since last December with some statements from the Vatican City State suggesting that the Pope is keen to use an electric Popemobile – due to environmental concerns.

Pope Benedict XVI is a very strong propagator of protecting God’s environment and has made considerable efforts to transform the Vatican City into a more eco-friendly and green state. He has time and again emphasized humanity’s contribution towards the environment in helping to upkeep and preserve it for the generations to come. ‘Green’ is evidently a part of his talks and teachings as well as his policies. The pope has further strengthened his determination to motivate humanity for a better world by announcing seven new sins that require repentance and the fourth on the list is “polluting of the environment”. Therefore, the new green Popemobile is the Pope’s crusade for sustainable living and preservation of the earth.

Via: PhysOrg

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