Light-weight, low-priced new device to cut air pollution from gasoline-powered gas engine

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Do you know when you start your car on a hot summer day, only 20 percent of the gasoline injected into the engine vaporizes to power it, and the rest emits from the engine in the form of unburned hydrocarbon air pollutants? And during the winters, the waste and pollution is much worse! And just multiply this by 230 million cars in the United States, to let a shiver run down your nerve to keel the atmosphere, we live in!

Giving a breath of relief to he polluted atmosphere, two U.S. scientists have claimed to have developed a light-weight and a relatively inexpensive way of reducing unburned hydrocarbon air pollutants from gasoline engines. It is called — on-board distillation system. It targets the root cause of such waste, helping in changing of gasoline from a liquid to a gas.

Costing less than $100, the system weighs only five pounds.

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