Levi’s launches ‘green’ jeans made from potato starch, coconut shell, mimosa flower…

levis goes green 9Yet another ‘green’ jeans comes on the market’s eco-friendly shelves. Levi’s has come up with the first fully sustainable denims from a major brand, the company claims, with its idea coming up in May last year.

The trousers of the brand are made with completely organic materials on a production line using sustainable production processes. Made with 100 percent organic cotton denim, the jeans have a button on the waistband made from coconut shell, along with metal fly buttons that are non-galvanized.

Geert Peeters, the vice-president of product management said,

It’s not only organic fabric but the other components are also organic; the finish we use is totally organic too. The whole process of how the jeans are made is also organic.

The indigo finish of the garments is produced from potato starch, mimosa flower and Marseille soap!

But, the disappointing part of it is that its market will be narrow with only 2 per cent of the Europe stores putting the ‘green’ jeans on their shelves.

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