Levi’s denims go eco-friendly! Made of organic cotton, coconut shells, recycled cardboard…!

levis jeans 9With the fashion world, gradually taking up with the buzzword ‘eco-friendly’, Levi’s does not seem to be staying behind in the race. It is for the first time in more than 100 years, Levi’s blue jeans are going green!

Hold your patience till next month, people in Britain! The legendary denim makers will be introducing their first environmentally friendly jeans then.

The brand has used organic cotton for making the fabric. It is not just that! More interestingly, the button on the waistband is made of bio-degradable product — coconut shell! Yes, and not metal rivets that result in post-consumer waste.

Furthermore, the manufacturer has used natural compounds for the dye. And the label…? It is made of recycled cardboard.


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