Kangaroo farts eco friendly solution for global warming

white kangaroo
Australian scientists’ vision to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle’s and sheep’s in a bid to cut emission of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming. There is a certain kind of bacteria found in the gas of Kangaroos that is not harmful to the environment, as compared to sheep’s and cattle’s, thus making them ‘eco-friendly’. Scientists are experimenting and even thinking of transferring such bacteria’s to other animals, so that their contribution to the gas pollution also minimizes when they fart. According to researchers, Methane, a gas produced by livestock’s traps 20 times more heat than carbon dioxide. After reading this, just try and imagine the state prevailing in the subcontinent, where the agricultural base is much higher, at around 60 percent. In similar context to the above agenda, eating meat (domestic livestock), particularly beef, has one of the biggest environmental impacts on the planet. In many ways making a change from a livestock based diet to plants (or wild game) is one of the easiest things that most of us can modify in our personal behavior to lessen our collective burden upon the planet. Image Via: YahooNews

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