Pepsi unveils the world’s first petroleum-free, plant based bottle!

pepsi renewableabottle

The recent spurt of ‘go green’ fervor has finally seemed to catch on with the corporate giants, albeit in a more pronounced manner. In a startlingly sustainable move, PepsiCo has announced a breakthrough in evolving the technology to create the world’s first 100 percent plant-based bottle, whose production will start in 2012.

Completely natural raw materials, such as switch grass, pine bark and corn husks, will be used for the bottles. One shouldn’t worry about their intrinsic quality, as according to the company the end result will be the creation of a molecular structure that is identical to polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, which is used in most of the conventional bottles.

Moreover, these new ‘naturalistic’ bottles can seriously nullify the adverse effects of carbon emissions and slow bio-degradation. During the first stages of this innovative proposal, Pepsi aptly plans to utilize the very food by-products from its snack businesses like potato peels from chips and orange peels from juice. PepsiCo Chairman and CEO, Indra Nooyi mentioned:

…a sustainable business model that we believe brings to life the essence of Performance with Purpose.

Source: PSFK

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