HOW TO – Make a $5 solar heater

solar water heater diy

With the growth in demand, and hence cost of electricity, we have been lured towards soaking up some free solar energy in various ways. Solar water heater is one such device that can reduce your electricity bills by a hefty amount. However, since the cost of solar panels is high, we don’t see solar water heaters installed on every rooftop. To ease things for you Instructables has an interesting tutorial with which you can design a solar water heater and that too by spending a mere $5.

Just snag the coolant grill from an old refrigerator and spend three hours of a hot Sunday morning for the DIY and get water hot enough to burn you at the end of it all.

The only problem with the idea is when water is moving through the grill, it doesn’t get quite as hot, but if you allow it to settle it in there for a few minutes you can get better results. A little tweaking might also help you out on that. If you have thought of any tweaks that could have made this a much better product then please feel free to share them with our team.

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