Honda X-Track dual-purpose vehicle is powered by a hybrid engine

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Eco Factor: Energy-efficient concept vehicle powered by a hybrid engine.

Auto designer Nikita Kalinin has conceptualized a next-gen Sports Compact 2 Seater Sports Coupe that has been designed to be powered by a hybrid engine. Christened the Honda X-Track, the concept vehicle can be used in two modes – Street Mode and Track Mode. The vehicle, in the street mode, features aerodynamic body panels that help reduce overall drag to maximize efficiency for street use.

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When at the track, the body panels, along with the headlamps, can be removed to protect them from rock chips and also decrease the overall weight of the vehicle and improve agility. The vehicle’s proportions are that of a mid rear for aggressive sports look. The engine components of the vehicle are installed in the front, allowing ample storage space in the trunk.

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The X-Track features KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) hybrid technology, which has been directly inherited from the F1 program. Using lithium-ion batteries, the hybrid vehicle stores kinetic energy, which would otherwise be lost during braking, and recycles it into usable power.

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All images © Nikita Kalinin [Used with permission]

Thanks: [Nikita Kalinin]

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