Home Solar System: Everything You Need to Know

Home Solar System Everything You Need to Know

With a casual glance, home solar systems look very complicated and indeed, they can be if you do not have proper information.

Therefore, if you want to start using solar power to supplement what you get from the mains electricity in your home or business, first, seek information.

However, don’t do the installation on your own. Let a professional company such as the Impact Energy Billings Montana Solar Installation do it for you.

In 2021, 8% of the USA homeowners had installed solar systems for their homes and 39% were considering installing it.

This is free energy! While the cost of installation might be high, after that, you will enjoy free energy. You can save anywhere from $1500 per year.

How do home solar systems work?

Your home solar system will have three main parts, as you can learn from experts such as Impact Energy Billings Montana Solar.

  • The solar panels – for capturing light
  • The battery – for storing charge
  • The wiring system (consisting of converters, controllers, and wiring)

These parts work together to manufacturer electrical current from the light, but everything starts with the PV panels. You need to install them in the open spaces and on rooftops, where they can capture the most light.

Within the mass of glass that you see on the roof, there are solar cells, also called photovoltaic cells, from the word photo meaning light.

These cells have a small, semiconductor wafer.

The wafer has two layers of silicon (one positively charged and the other one negatively charged). They form an electric field.

The electrons in the semiconductor wafer are freed as soon as light strikes the photovoltaic cells. Please note, we said light, not sunshine. That is because solar panels will charge even during the cloudy days.

The electric field created by the negative and positive layers of the wafer set the free electrons in motion.

When the electrons get into motion, they create electrical current. That is how solar panels generate clean energy.

Do you need permits to install solar panels?

Unfortunately, you just cannot rise up one day and start installing solar panels at home. You cannot begin the installation process if you don’t have the relevant approvals.

You need to get two types of permits. The first one is from the local building authority. This permit approves the new construction (installation of the solar panels).

The second permit is from your electricity company, so that they can approve the new interconnection to their grid system.

You need to complete some documentation required for both approvals. The designs of your system must be clear and well laid out, or you will not get the permits. To make the approval process move a bit faster, engage the services of a solar installation company.

The company will assign you a solar design technician to work with you, and design a system that is perfect for your home. Having professional help is going to help the process move along faster, because you can avoid making mistakes.

The design they create for you will be compliant with the National Electric Code because the utility company will not approve designs that are not code-compliant.

The building permit documentation seeks to ensure whether your house is safe to handle the weight of the solar panel mounting kit, on the roof.

The roof needs to be inspected to ascertain that it can handle the weight of the solar system.

Do solar panels save money? And how?

Home solar systems are costly. When you install one, you intend to lower your dependency on electricity. That is why you need to know whether it will help you save money, and how much.

You will get back your investment. This system will pay itself back, and it will give you many years to enjoy free energy, and make the environment better.

Solar panels can last 17 to 30 years! That is a lot of time.

The solar system (installation and the purchases) cost ranges from $6,600 and $22,800. For a regular home, the projection is that you will save about $1500 yearly. You can do simple math to see how long it will take to recoup the cost.

Bigger systems cost more money. Therefore, if you want to replace your main grid electricity usage, be ready to spend much more.

Smaller systems can also help you save money because they help you to avoid using electricity all the time.

Another way in which the solar systems for homes help you to save money is that once installed and paid for, you don’t face rising energy rates.

Electricity rates keep rising. For instance, in 2021, the rate for 1 kWh was 13.66 cents. In 2022, the rate increased to 15.07 cents while in 2023, it will rise to 15.45 cents. It will rise higher in 2024.

But once your solar system is operational, that is it! All you need is to replace the parts that wear out. If you do proper care and maintenance, this system can last a long time in great shape. Even if you will not replace your entire usage of electricity, at least go halfway.

There is also another way to sell solar power for hard cash – through the net-metering system. It was designed to get homeowners who generate more solar electricity than they need to sell back to their utility company. Usually, these companies buy energy at the rates that they sell electricity at night.

Do you need many solar panels?

Institutions such as hospitals, schools, and factories need many solar panels. If you look at institutions that use solar power systems, they look like solar farms.

Well, you might not need those many solar panels. Since you might not know what you size you really require, hire a solar design technician. He will help you figure out the system that your space can accommodate.

The best thing is to install as many solar panels as you want. If you have enough space and your budget allows, get many solar panels. Think about what you would prefer – having more free electricity than you require, or having less than enough?

You can always sell the extra energy that you generate to your utility company. With the net metering system, your utility company will buy the extra night rates.

Your household electricity needs will rise in the future. Some uses you can put the extra electricity to include:

  • Heating the swimming pool
  • Charging your electric car or motorbike
  • Lighting up more of your outdoor space
  • Start a grow tent to raise your own vegetables and fruits


You will never regret going the renewable energy way because you will save so much money over a long time. But the benefits are more than fiscal, as you will see below:

  • You will be doing the environment a lot of good
  • You will save money
  • The solar system will last a long time
  • You will be secure from power blackouts
  • You can make money from any extra solar energy you make through net-metering

With such benefits in mind, the only question you should be asking now is: How big a home solar system should you install?

Always go bigger! The way the world is going, you will soon need to charge vehicles, motorbikes, and other things.

A solar system increases the value of a home. If you intend to sell yours in the future, investing in a solar electricity system can help it sell faster, and at a nice price.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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