Guanting Wind Power Plant fetches a green medal for China in Olympics

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Before starting off with a bang, Olympics is already in news for reason both good and bad. Just yesterday Olympics was here for green fire crackers and today its back here for another study eco feature – the Guanting Wind ability Plant. Estimated to juice up Beijing’s Olympic venues by additional 20%, this specific wind power plant has an installed capacity of 64,500 kilowatts and has 43 domestically developed wind capability units at work. Also it is believed to render up to 100 million-kWh electricity annually…enough to suffice about 100,000 households. Kick starting on Saturday, it would not only help fulfill Beijing’s promise of a “green Olympics”, but symbolize the first-ever large-scale employment of wind power generation project in the Chinese capital. Moreover the Guanting Wind Power Plant could help cut yearly emission of carbon dioxide by 100,000 tones and save 50,000 tones of coal each year. China needed such a convincing green boost to tidy up its image as one of being touted as one of the most polluting country.

Via Fareastgizmos

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