Greensulate: ‘Organic-n-sustainable’ insulation made from mushrooms

off the finished product 9

The soaring demand for solutions to rising temperatures felt across the world, as well as energy-efficiency in all the consumption spheres, in an effort to turn the world “green” and cap global warming, are in turn increasing the need for insulating building materials.

How would it be, if ‘mushrooms’ come to your solution? It must appear bizarre to link mushroom to your dream house, but yes, stepping a way forward from dressing the food delicacies and spicing them up, mushrooms can take up a responsible role in creating an ‘organic insulation.’

This is shown by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute graduate Eben Bayer, by creating his patented “Greensulate” formula – a sustainable and environment-friendly insulation.

In building this innovative insulation, Bayer used an organic, fire-retardant board, which is made of water, flour, oyster mushroom spores and perlite — a mineral blend found in potting soil. He built this along with his colleague, Gavin McIntyre.

The inspiration behind the product’s creation, RPI Professor Burt Swersy, of Inventor’s Studio said,

I think it has a lot of potential, and it could make a big difference in people’s lives. It’s sustainable, and enviro-friendly, it’s not based on petrochemicals and doesn’t require much energy or cost to make it.

Though, it is still a year away from bringing the insulation available for building an eco-friendly home, it will surely be a welcome part of the growing market for eco-friendly products, to help the ‘suffocating world’ break shackles from its soaring garbage and landfills – its being sustainable, organic and eco-friendly.


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