Green homes: Homes Made Out of Mud and Straw

eco homes

Tomorrow’s homes may be made of glass and steel or they may resemble the shelters built by our prehistoric ancestors. Architects and engineers are taking a new look at ancient building techniques. Imagine a magical building material. It’s cheap, perhaps even free. It’s plentiful everywhere, worldwide. It’s strong enough to hold up under extreme weather conditions. It’s inexpensive to heat and cool. And it’s so easy to use that workers can learn the necessary skills in a few hours. This miraculous substance isn’t only cheap as dirt, it is dirt, and it’s winning new respect from architects, engineers, and designers.

No one can argue with the environmental benefits of using mud and straw. Cob building makes environmental sense because it uses minimal wood and no synthetic materials such as vinyl siding, fibreglass insulation or paint, making it a wise choice for people with chemical sensitivities. But the ecological building movement does have critics like – Can a cob, straw bale or earth sheltered home be attractive and comfortable? Would you like to live in one?

Via: Telegraph

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