Gorgeous Solar Furnace used to melt down Aluminum

solar oven

We have been using the power and might of Apollo since ages to basically help us do almost everything. We all derive the energy from the sun for our entire life cycle and it is no new fact that it is the primary source of energy for the entire planet. Now we are using this traditional energy in a new package by making sure that we maximize the benefits obtained from it. Solar industry is growing at a rate that is almost twice as much better than the rest of the renewable industry.

The industry now is not just working with solar panels, but also solar heaters that would provide the sufficient thermal energy to people across the planet. These spectacular photos are from one such project that aims at using the power of the sun to melt Aluminum so that it can be purified and used for the required purposes. The plant is called the ‘Physics-Sun’ and it is present to make sure that fossil fuel is not consumed in a process which could work with the energy of the sun.

This project is in Parkent, Uzbekistan and it really looks splendid. It helps us burn less fuel and in turn not only saves fuel, but also the carbon emission that are released in the atmosphere. Projects like this could really help us build a greener tomorrow. The structure is not just an environmental boon but also a visual delight.


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