Giant solar-paneled metal sunflower to gauge and protest against climate change

sentinel of climatic change 9

The Giant Sunflower — This is where beauty and nature seem to be merging literally. To gauge and protest against climate change near the ends of the Earth, a giant metal sunflower stands noticeably atop a hill swept by wind located in the southernmost city of the world – on the island of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.

The giant environment-assisting ‘Sunflower: Sentinel for Climate Change’ is just one of the piece, which are on display here on the island at the so-called End of the World Biennial this month.

The petals of the flower are embedded with solar panels. Not just that – they also are equipped with thermometers and cameras, probably being the most functional.

Argentine artist Joaquin Fargas said,

I think all of us should do something (about global warming). The idea of Sunflower is that it becomes an icon, an emblem of the need for all of us to be witnesses to what is happening.

Among dozens of other artists’ installing and performing works, the main exhibition center also displays a mess of melted ice cream cones, installed by a Canadian group while somewhere else, interestingly; you will find a crooked stream flowing out of filled drinking glasses designed by a Paraguayan woman.

Photo credit: REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian

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