GE’s hybrid halogen-CFL light bulbs reach full luminescence in no time

ges hybrid halogen cfl light bulbs reach full lumi

Eco Factor: Hybrid halogen CFLs cut back on warm-up period to save energy.

While it’s usually annoying to see standard compact fluorescents (CFLs) taking so much time for heating up before they could actually serve you with full luminescence, General Electric’s newly unveiled halogen compact fluorescent light bulbs, i.e. GE Reveal and GE Energy Smart Soft, take less than a second to do so. Moreover, the new hybrid bulbs contain only 1 milligram of mercury, thus saving users from various health risks.

Each of the two bulbs contains a halogen light that turns on without further ado (half a second) once you hit the switch, and is nestled within a larger bulb that forces the inner one to shut off when it reaches full brightness. The hybrid light bulbs in their 15-watt and 20-watt ranges will tout 8,000-hour life span, are are supposed to be available by 2011.

ges hybrid halogen cfl light bulbs reach full lumi

Via: CNet News

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