Eco friendly Froot Desktop to nourish your eco appetite

froot image 1 rgicy 59 2xt52 5784 Today I see myself clicking these plastic keys and staring at my flat screen. But in the near future, I look forward to continue the same act of (typing and staring) but on bio friendly computer set up. Soothing my eco conscious as well sufficing my need to work on a computer to earn my bread and butter is this Froot desktop. Conceptualized by Paulina Carlos, this bio friendly computer uses high-end projecting and laser technology for its use and sustainability. It also chucks the concept of a solid screen and keyboard as they are directly projected onto surfaces. That saves a lot of space too! Moreover it augments social interaction as the project screen can be used as a media center for family or business. froot image 2 b987t 59 nR2ss 5784 Sporting a biodegradable skin composed of starch based polymers, akin to fruits, the intention to bring such a computer out is to make it a closed loop product. Its electrical components could be returned to the manufacturer for re-use and recycle. froot image 3 a9k1p 59 W16UV 5784 This fruity named desktop concept was yum (nifty) enough to sail though the DELL Regeneration Green Computing Technology Contest. froot image 4 z3gt6 59 evTlK 5784 Isn’t it refreshing to come across such fruity computing ideas! Oh, this reminds me to grab by share of fruit for the day. Maybe a bowl of fruits will help me come up with such clever ideas too  Via Thedesignblog

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